Sunday, January 9, 2011

Israel in a Week! Pamela and Brian's Visit Part II

Brian, Pamela, and I at the Kotel
When we arrived back in Tel Aviv Tuesday afternoon, we were pretty tired so we napped and took our time showering and getting ready for the evening. Brian decided he wasn't even close to his hummus and falafel quota, so we went to Abbu Dabi, a great hummus place near my apartment. It's Jamaican themed and they play music for you while you eat. After dinner, we took a nice long walk up to Rothschild to see the street and the night life there. We stopped for ice cream at Iceburg and it was pretty good! We took our time walking around and enjoying the nice atmosphere walking along Rothschild.
Wednesday was our big Jerusalem adventure.
We got on yet another sherut and headed to the Jerusalem shuk. Our first stop was Marzipan! They have the best rugelah I've ever had! So, we bought a bunch and ate as we walked. We walked through the shops near the shuk and the cash seemed to jump right out of our wallets! We bought lots of gifts for ourselves, family, and friends. We haggled with shopkeepers and got great deals on everything we bought. We all started with mostly empty bags, but they got heavier as the day progessed. We made our way to the Old City (we navigated really well thus far) and did more shopping in the Arabic quarter. After a while, we still hadn't found the street that leads to the Western Wall, so we decided to get some falafel for lunch and then find the Wall. You'd think it'd be easy- such a large site and so popular, but no, it was not easy. Feeling rather dumb, we had to ask a soldier for directions, and we finally made it to the wall. Brian headed to the men's section, while Pamela and I took on the women in the crowded, tiny women's seciton. We pushed our way through and spent some time admiring the Kotel. Once we were ready, we met up with Brian and took a few pictures for the fam. We left the Kotel and walked through Mamilla Mall, looking for Pamela's boyfriend's cousin. We found her Kabbala store after some confusion as to where it was and looked around for a bit. They had really cool Kabbala jewelery and Pamela got a really pretty (and unique!) ring with  Hebrew enscriptions of the Matriarchs and a yellow gem on it. By the time we got back on the sherut, it was 6pm already! We had to hurry back because it was Becca and Brian's last night in Israel! We went to Tony Vespa for some really good, pay by the weight of the slice, pizza with lots of toppings. We waited for the rain to stop, then walked back to my apartment to shower and wait for Becca. We were all exhausted from the excessive amount of walking we did that day, not to mention the shopping and eating. So, Brian packed, Pamela and I relaxed, and then I went to Becca's room to spend some time with her. Becca, Heather, Eve, Keren, and I stayed up pretty late while Becca packed. It was really weird thinking that Becca was leaving and none of us wanted to go to bed cause it meant saying goodbye.
Thursday morning came too quickly, and Brian, Pamela, and I headed to Benedict's to enjoy a delicious Israeli breakfast before going to the airport. We got shakshuka and omlettes and once again were too full to move after we finished eating. We had to get going, though, since Brian had a flight to catch (or so we thought). Brian's flight was really delayed and he ended up spending the night in Berlin, but he made it to Switzerland eventually and officially began his year abroad!!

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